Library of Rassegna iberistica

Library of Rassegna iberistica

open access | peer reviewed

Aims & Scope

The series Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica publishes monographs and collections of high scientific rigor essays regarding linguistic and cultural areas of Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Catalan, Basque and Galician. It is bound to present publications issued  from research activities of Ca’ Foscari University and foreign and Italian institutions and researchers’ publications. It aims to be a privileged location to discuss about research, instruments of our subjects according to innovative theorical and historical perspectives. A summary and interdisciplinary project, publishes works about the whole angles of Iberic and Ibero-American culture.

Permalink | e-ISSN 2610-9360 | ISSN 2610-8844 | Language ca, en, es, ga, gl, it, pt | ANCE E236692

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Latest published volume

Latest journal publication cover
  • Imprenta y literatura española en los siglos XVI y XVII: de las periferias al centro
  • Claudia Demattè, Arantxa Llàcer, Marco Presotto
  • Dec. 9, 2024
  • The aim of this volume is to delve into the peculiarities of the commercial circuit that fed the cultural system of the Spanish Empire during the Golden Age through an overwhelming publishing production of literary texts. The relationship between center and periphery defined by political power did not necessarily correspond to the reality of social networks, business projects, the evolution of technical competence, and the development of a demand that was difficult to establish a priori. We propose an open approach from different methodological perspectives that contribute to the definition of the artistic and literary phenomenon, and which can explain the development of certain publishing practices in particular economic, linguistic, and geographical contexts. An overall picture is offered of the great book marketing networks in Europe and New Spain (Pedro Rueda Ramírez), which multiply the focuses of analysis from family sagas, publishing agents, and hawkers, to land-based circulation and the potential of maritime routes or the transfer of books between the main printing capitals of the time. Benedetta Belloni examines the publishing center of Milan, Arantxa Llàcer Martorell studies the inventory of the assets of the Cormellas printing house in Barcelona, and Giada Blasut reviews the printed production of chivalric books in Seville. Laura Fernández García provides detailed insights into the work of printers in the preparation and publication of Lope de Vega’s Partes de comedias from 1617 to 1625 and in 1635. Guillermo Gómez Sánchez-Ferrer analyses the context that favoured the publishing success of the Viaje entretenido by Agustín de Rojas, the relationship between reprints and the transformations in the world of printing. The volume concludes with a contribution by Alejandra Ulla, who presents the ISTAE project (Impresos sueltos del teatro antiguo español) aimed at the recovery and revision of those plays that were considered lost or written by invisibilised playwrights among the noise of larger miscellaneous volumes.

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