Unitats fraseològiques com a eines en la caracterització de l’estil del Curial e Güelfa
A detailed analysis of a sample of phrases, collocations and other phraseological elements and order of significant words regarding the characterization of the flow of literary language in the novel Curial e Güelfa. This analysis follows an interdisciplinary methodology based on linguistic corpora, diachronic linguistics and IST (digital humanities) applied to the analysis of the contribution of lexical and stylistic features by Curial e Güelfa, in order to gauge the degree of his relevance as a classic.
Keywords: Collocations • Corpus Linguistics • Diachronic Linguistics • Phraseology • Curial e Güelfa • Medieval and Renaissance Catalan Literature • Digital Humanities
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-124-9/RiB-3-6