Library of Rassegna iberistica

Series | Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | The Admiration of All Mankind
Chapter | Las deformaciones lingüísticas en los entremeses cervantinos

Las deformaciones lingüísticas en los entremeses cervantinos


Cervantes shows a particular sensitivity towards some linguistic deformations. In the theatre, and more specifically in the short theatre, these deformations serve a comic purpose in dialogue, and aim to define characters. On the one hand, they concentrate on situations that manifest the vision of the world and attitudes of the language deformers. On the other hand, these traits connect with Cervantes’s specific conception of speech.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Feb. 8, 2021 | Accepted: June 9, 2021 | Published Dec. 1, 2021 | Language: es

Keywords CervantesEntremésIndividualityConception of speechLinguistic deformation

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