Collana | SAIL
Miscellanea | Politiche e pratiche per l’educazione linguistica, il multilinguismo e la comunicazione interculturale
Capitolo | Verso un modello glottogeragogico

Verso un modello glottogeragogico

Lo scaffolding cognitivo-emozionale


Language learning experiences seem to lead to advantages for the elderly in the social, psychological and cognitive spheres. Learning languages is not only useful for the quality of life of the elderly and for their active participation in society, but it also has an important role in stimulating and maintaining cognitive resources, increasing cognitive reserves and countering their decline favouring the development of compensation processes. From this point of view, learning languages for the elderly is not only possible but it is also desirable. This justifies a FL geragogic model, called cognitive-emotional scaffolding, which can become the basis of a project to teach foreign languages to elderly learners.

Open access

Presentato: 16 Ottobre 2020 | Pubblicato 24 Maggio 2021 | Lingua: it

Keywords Cognitive reserveGeragogyForeign language learningElderly FL studentsSuccessful aging

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