Library of Rassegna iberistica

Series | Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Serenísima palabra
Chapter | Una historia española para los escenarios italianos: L’Anagilda de Girolamo Gigli

Una historia española para los escenarios italianos: L’Anagilda de Girolamo Gigli


Girolamo Gigli’s L’Anagilda (1711) is a rewriting of his previous play La fede ne’ tradimenti (1689). The plot of both works draws upon a Spanish historical anecdote narrated in De Rogatis’s Historia de la perdita e riacquisto della Spagna occupata dai mori (1664). My analysis deals with the plot and arias of both texts, and their relationship to the aforementioned source, in order to establish how and why Gigli used the Spanish anecdote to reject the mock-heroic interpretation of melodrama and, finally, to identify which version reached Barcelona in 1739.  

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 15, 2015 | Accepted: May 3, 2016 | Language: it

Keywords AnagildaGirolamo GigliItaly

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