Library of Rassegna iberistica

Series | Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Serenísima palabra
Chapter | El caballero determinado de Hernando de Acuña: tradición textual y autoría

El caballero determinado de Hernando de Acuña: tradición textual y autoría


Hernando de Acuña’s El caballero determinado, translation of Olivier de la Marche’s French text Le chevalier délibéré, was first printed in 1553 and had considerable success until the end of XVI century, with 8 editions. Still today the text continues to present two problems: its authorship and the relationship between the different testimonies which transmit it. Regarding the former, it is unclear whether the work was translated and versified by Acuña or if the first task, the translation, was made by Carlos V and our poet put it in verse. Regarding the second problem, besides the 8 editions of the text, the existence of a sixteenth-century manuscript has allowed to establish different relationships between testimonies. This work attempts to solve both problems using informations extracted from the critical edition I am ending.  

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 22, 2015 | Accepted: June 15, 2016 | Language: it

Keywords Hernando de AcuñaAuthorshipTradition

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