De lo narrado a lo representado
Reflejos del Facetiarum liber de Bracciolini en el entremés áureo
The facetia is a particular typology of short prose, characterized by a narrative gradation, evident at the end of the story when the main characters manage to get their own way thanks to a comic and ingenious answer. Humanism is the key moment for the development of this genre, especially because of the release of Poggio Bracciolini’s Facetiarum liber (1470), a collection of 273 short stories that European scholars will imitate in the following centuries. By taking into account the Spanish literary perspective, and particularly the Golden Age theatre, the main objective of this work will be the study of the presence of Bracciolini’s facetiae in the narrative context of Spanish entremeses, focusing at the resemantization of the themes.
Keywords: Italian humanist short prose • Spanish Golden Age entremeses • Facetia • resemantization • Poggio Bracciolini