Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Serenísima palabra
Capitolo | Díaz de Rivaz y Vázquez Siruela: sobre las afinidades en sus documentos

Díaz de Rivaz y Vázquez Siruela: sobre las afinidades en sus documentos


Among many documents related to the controversy about gongorism, only two have the word estilo in their titles: Discursos apologéticos por el estilo del ‘Poliphemo’ y ‘Soledades’ by Pedro Díaz de Rivas and Discurso sobre el estilo de don Luis de Góngora by Martín Vázquez Siruela. These two documents show affinities not only in their titles but also in their views. What do these affinities suggest? Do they imply the great influence of Díaz de Rivas on Vázquez Siruela or any possibility of the authorship of the former in both documents? Reasons to suspect that Vázquez Siruela is the author of Discurso sobre el estilo de don Luis de Góngora was presented at the 18th Congress of AIH held in Buenos Aires in 2013. It would not be futile to pay attention to those affinities. Carefully reading the document attributed to Vázquez Siruela, we found 9 points in common with the views of Díaz de Rivas. We have evaluated the result to draw a conclusion as follows: the verified affinities neither support the possibility of authorship of Vázquez Siruela nor exclude that of Díaz de Rivas. We must yet be cautious about affirming that Vázquez Siruela is the author of Discurso sobre el estilo de don Luis de Góngora.  

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 14 Luglio 2015 | Accettato: 03 Maggio 2016 | Lingua: it

Keywords Díaz de RivasControversyVázquez SiruelaAuthorshipAffinitiesGongorism

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