Lope de Vega y el alma del pecador
Arrepentimiento y expiación en Juan de Dios y Antón Martín
In Lope de Vega’s hagiographic play, Juan de Dios y Antón Martín, the sacrament of penance becomes the central theme, not simply by exposing the meaning of this sacrament and its purpose, but by also using it as a mechanism through which the playwright is able to delve into the main character’s motivations and reflections about the consequences of his own acts. Thus, the content of the manuals of confession that circulated during Post-Tridentine Spain as well as Lope’s life of repentance and confession are crucial for the purpose of this study in order to understand how the sacrament of penance is presented throughout the play.
Keywords: Post-Tridentine Spain • Repentance • Atonement • Sacrament of penance
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-163-8/RiB-5-38