Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Serenísima palabra
Capitolo | De Dalila y otras perversas traidoras en textos áureos de materia bíblica

De Dalila y otras perversas traidoras en textos áureos de materia bíblica


The present article constitutes an approach to the representation of perfidious biblical women in the framework of the Spanish Golden Age literature. In the first section, my study will refer to a general corpus of paradigmatic texts dealing with Old and New Testament stories of treacherous women, in order to finally focus on Delilah, the biblical character of the book of Judges, evoked by Enríquez Gómez and Pérez de Montalbán, to which I will offer a somewhat more detailed analysis. I believe that this brief examination will show that the representation of the perverse and treacherous women in the Golden Age literature of biblical themes is not unequivocal, as I find dissimilar modes of expression and significance. This diversity responds to the individual recreation by the specific writers of both the biblical text as well as of the socio-cultural models and beliefs rooted in the consciousness of the period.  

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 13 Luglio 2015 | Accettato: 24 Aprile 2016 | Lingua: it

Keywords DalilaBibleThe Book of JudgesTraitors

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