Ca’ Foscari Japanese Studies

open access | peer reviewed

La collana Ca’ Foscari Japanese Studies, forte della tradizione consolidatasi presso il Dipartimento di Studi sull’Asia e sull’Africa Mediterranea, si prefigge di essere un punto di riferimento a livello internazionale per gli studi sul Giappone. Raccoglie pubblicazioni di elevato rigore scientifico volte a documentare gli sviluppi più originali e teoreticamente avanzati della ricerca nipponistica mondiale, spaziando dalla classicistica alla contemporaneità. La sua vocazione fortemente multidisciplinare si traduce in una produzione articolata in quattro aree tematiche: Arts and Literature; History and Society; Religion and Thought; Linguistic and Language Education.

Permalink | e-ISSN 2610-9395 | ISSN 2610-8976 | Lingua en, it | ANCE E233745

Arts and Literature e-ISSN 2610-9425 ISSN 2610-8992
History and Society e-ISSN 2610-9409 ISSN 2610-8984
Linguistics and Language Education e-ISSN 2724-2285 ISSN 2724-1203
Religion and Thought e-ISSN 2610-9417 ISSN 2610-900X

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Ultimo volume pubblicato

Latest journal publication cover
  • Philological and Linguistic Analysis Working Together
  • Exploring Language Diversity in Japan
  • Paolo Calvetti
  • 28 Agosto 2024
  • Japan’s ecological variety seems to parallel the multitude of different languages and dialects attested in the Japanese archipelago. In addition to standard Japanese and its dialects, there exist other Japonic languages such as Ryūkyūan and Hachijō, as well as non-Japonic varieties like Ainu. In this volume, four articles explore the importance of a philological approach to sources for historical linguistics: “Adopting a Philological Approach Toward Chishi” by Étienne Baudel; “Elements of Sakhalin Ainu Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphosyntax in Bronisław Piłsudski’s Corpus of Ainu Folklore” by Elia Dal Corso; “The Language of Miyako Oral Traditions” by Aleksandra Jarosz; “Reflexes of Proto-Ryukyuan Mid Vowels in Haedong Chegukki” by Marc Miyake.

  • L’estetica del vuoto
  • Contemporary Japan