Aims & Scope
Il Tolomeo first saw the light of day in 1995, thanks to the work of a group of postcolonial scholars at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, reviews, interviews, and previously unpublished original contributions in the fields of francophone, anglophone and lusophone literatures. Il Tolomeo investigates the postcolonial literary phenomenon in all its manifestations, but is particularly interested in contributions which take a comparative, interdisciplinary approach: dialogues between literature and the arts, investigations of hybrid forms such as comic strips and cinema, research which links literary studies with the social sciences, or innovative approaches such as digital and environmental humanities. Throughout its history, Il Tolomeo has been an important point of reference for postcolonial studies in Italy, hosting original writings and interviews with major voices in the anglophone and francophone world (Derek Walcott, Amitav Ghosh, Nadine Gordimer, Rita El Khayat, Anthony Phelps, Anita Desai, Christine De Luca, Antonine Maillet, Roland Paret, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o and many others). In its new digital open access version, its aim is to continue to reflect the destinies of a burgeoning and extraordinarily innovative disciplinary field, and to offer a space for dialogue between postcolonial writers and scholars. Issues of Il Tolomeo which predate 2016 can be accessed via PHAIDRA (Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets), at the following webpage:
Permalink | e-ISSN 2499-5975 | Periodicity annual | Language en, fr, it, pt
Copyright This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
Latest published issue
Use the form to submit a proposal.
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The article processing charges are regulated by the Publisher. For more information please visit: Publish with us.
Every article published by ECF was accepted for publication by no less than two qualified reviewers as a result of a process of anonymous reviewing (double-blind peer review). The reviewers are independent of the authors and not affiliated with the same institution.
The Journal’s Editor-in-Chief guarantees the proper execution of the peer review process for every article published in the Journal.
Peer review policies for the different sections:
Submission guidelines
Il Tolomeo accepts submissions of the following kinds:
- essays 35,000-40,000 characters (spaces and bibliography included) – exceptions may be allowed at the Scientific Direction’s discretion in exceptional circumstances;
- reviews (6,000-8,000 characters, spaces included);
- interviews (9,000-15,000 characters, spaces included);
- unpublished pieces.
The deadlines are stated in the “Call for papers” section. Il Tolomeo is published once a year.
Prospective contributors should send their submissions for Il Tolomeo via the “Call for papers” procedure.
Please attach:
- a bio-bibliographical note in English (max. 700 characters, spaces included);
- an abstract in English (max. 1000 characters, spaces included – this is not necessary for reviews);
- 5 keywords in English;
- preferred contact email address and institutional affiliation.
Submissions will undergo an initial review process by two members of the Advisory Board. Notice of acceptance will be given within 15 days.
Authors will subsequently upload their contribution on the digital platform in order to start the double-blind peer-review process, but only after an explicit approval of the Advisory Board to do so. The contribution will be sent to two reviewers. Authors will receive the results of the peer reviews on the digital platform and will be able to upload their contribution in its final form.
Only essays undergo the peer review process. Proposals for book reviews, interviews, and unpublished manuscripts are evaluated exclusively by the Advisory Board and the directors.
Authors will be able to check their contributions before publication.
Prospective contributions will undergo a preliminary evaluation by the Advisory Board, and, if deemed suitable, will be sent for double-blind peer-review. The Advisory Board reserves the right to request modifications whenever necessary and to reject contributions that are not relevant to the scope of Il Tolomeo.
Editorial guidelines for Il
Tolomeo (Edizioni Ca’ Foscari)
For an extended version, please consult:
Some of the guidelines are:
It is preferable to divide the text into sections, which should all be numbered consecutively starting from number 1. No text portions should be left unnumbered (e.g. an “Introduction” section will be numbered ‘1’). Sections should also be titled: titles are in 14 point size, bold/bold Italics type (not only Italics, or only UPPERCASE). Sections may also be further divided into subsections, numbered 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 and so on.
Use double quotation marks (“ ”) for in-text quotations, double and
single ones (“ ‘ ’ ”) to put a quote within a quote and
single quotation marks (‘ ’) for emphasis. Single quotation marks are used also
highlight a specific ‘concept’;
- describe
the precise meaning of a ‘term’;
- highlight
an ‘idiomatic’, ‘metaphorical’ or ‘inappropriate’ use of a term;
- highlight the ‘meaning’ of a foreign word.
Short quotations
Quotations counting less than 10 words should be included in the main
text and enclosed in inverted commas “ ”.
If a citation concludes a period, the full stop follows the quote. If the quotation is followed by a bibliographical citation, the full stop (as any other punctuation mark) should be placed after it.
Long quotations
longer than 10 words must be:
detached from the body text and preceded and followed by a blank line;
indented 1 cm from the left with respect to the main body of text;
in roman, body 11, spacing 1;
NOT be enclosed in quotation marks “ ”;
• end with a full stop.
References: Author-Date System
It is the standard requested by the Publisher. In this system, the bibliographic references are directly included in the body of the text and not in the footnotes.
Short References in the Text
A short reference is given between parentheses and
includes the following information: the Author’s last name, the
year of publication (no punctuation intervening) and, if needed, the page
numbers (preceded by a comma, with a small dash - separating page numbers and
no ‘p./pp.’ abbreviation). Complete information regarding the publication (e.g.
editor’s or translator’s name) is given only in the final bibliography. If the
author’s last name is already mentioned in text segment where the short
reference is, there is no need to repeat it between parentheses.
Direct Quote
Main text “cited text” (Last name year, 120-5).
Smith (2010,
25) in his work argues that “....”.
My work is
defined “an interesting book” (Smith 2016, 120-5).
All figures must have a caption, in the form of “Figure *number*”, ending with no final punctuation mark. Captions should follow the figures they refer to and contain all the available information, according to the following scheme: Figure 1. Author, Title. Year. Technical/Support/Material, Measures. Place, Institution, Location. Source of Image, copyright (no final punctuation mark).
All hyphens between inclusive numbers and those with the role of traits d’union are to be replaced by little dashes -, whereas, when separating two phrases, the long dash – has to be used.
General Bibliography (examples)
Smith, J. (2017). My Work. A Close Overview. London: Open Editions.
Article in a
Smith, J. (2017). “The Gothic. Tales and Myths”. English Literature, 8(3),
Article in a
Smith, J. (2017). “The Gothic. Tales and Myths”. Jones, E. (ed.), The Gothic in the Nineteenth Century. London: Open Editions, 91-112.
For other examples, please consult:
Call for papers 2025 - Versione italiana
Il Tolomeo (rivista open access, peer-reviewed) invita tutti gli studiosi interessati a inviare i loro contributi per il prossimo numero del 2025 (nr. 27).
La rivista indaga il fenomeno letterario postcoloniale in tutte le sue forme, ma è particolarmente interessata a contributi che utilizzino approcci comparativi e interdisciplinari:
Il Tolomeo accetta contributi nelle seguenti categorie:
Si prega chiunque sia interessato a proporre un contributo di inviare un abstract (di massimo 1000 caratteri, spazi inclusi) entro il 15/01/2025 tramite il link in calce. Si prega di allegare, oltre all’abstract, una nota bio-bibliografica (in inglese, di massimo 1000 caratteri, spazi inclusi) e 5 keywords (in inglese, non necessario per recensioni, inediti e interviste).
Si prega anche di indicare il tipo di contributo (articolo, recensione, inedito, intervista).
La scadenza successiva, per l’invio dei contributi completi, è il 18/05/2025.
I contributi dovranno essere redatti, in un file .docx, secondo le norme redazionali e bibliografiche della rivista, consultabili sulla pagina web del Tolomeo. Si accettano contributi in inglese, francese, portoghese e italiano, purché ci sia coerenza tra lingua e contenuto (la Direzione/Redazione si riserva il diritto di concedere eventuali deroghe di fronte a esigenze specifiche e motivate). Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a o consultare il sito della rivista: Il Tolomeo.
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Call for papers 2025 - English version
The open access, peer-reviewed journal Il Tolomeo invites all interested scholars to send their contributions for the upcoming 2025 issue (no. 27).
The journal investigates the postcolonial literary phenomenon in all its manifestations, but is particularly interested in contributions which take a comparative and/or interdisciplinary approach:
Il Tolomeo accepts contributions in the following categories:
Please submit an abstract (maximum 1000 characters, including spaces) by 15/01/2025 via the link below. Please attach, in addition to the abstract, a bio-bibliographical note (in English, maximum 1,000 characters, spaces included) and 5 key words (in English; not necessary for reviews, unpublished works and interviews).
Please also indicate the type of contribution (article, review, unpublished work, interview).
The deadline for submitting complete contributions is 18/05/2025.
Contributions must be written (in a .docx format) according to the journal’s editorial and bibliographical norms, which can be found on the journal’s web page. Contributions are accepted in English, French, Portuguese and Italian, as long as there is coherence between language and content (the editors reserve the right to grant exceptions in the case of specific and justified needs). For further information write to or consult the journal’s website: Il Tolomeo.
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Call for papers 2025 - Version française
Il Tolomeo, revue en libre accès et évaluée par les pairs, invite tous les chercheurs intéressés à soumettre leurs contributions pour le prochain numéro de 2025 (n° 27).
La revue explore le phénomène littéraire postcolonial sous toutes ses formes, mais elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux contributions qui utilisent des approches comparatives et interdisciplinaires :
Il Tolomeo accepte plusieurs types de contributions :
Pour soumettre une contribution, merci d’envoyer un résumé (1000 caractères maximum, espaces compris) d’ici le 15/01/2025 via le lien indiqué ci-dessous. Veuillez joindre, en plus du résumé, une note bio-bibliographique (en anglais, 1000 caractères maximum, espaces compris) et 5 mots-clés (en anglaise - non nécessaires pour les comptes rendus, les travaux non publiés et les interviews).
Veuillez également indiquer le type de contribution (article, revue, inédit, interview).
La prochaine date limite pour le dépôt des contributions définitives est fixée au 18/05/2025.
Les contributions doivent être rédigées, dans un fichier .docx, selon les normes éditoriales et bibliographiques de la revue, qui peuvent être consultées sur la page web de la revue. Nous acceptons les contributions en anglais, français, portugais et italien à condition que la langue et le contenu soient liés (la Direction/Rédaction se réserve le droit d’accorder d’éventuelles dispenses en cas de demandes spécifiques et justifiées). Pour de plus amples informations, vous pouvez nous écrire à l’adresse mail ou consulter le site de la revue: Il Tolomeo.
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Call for papers 2025 - Versão em português
Il Tolomeo (revista de acesso aberto, cujos artigos são submetidos a revisão por pares) convida todos os estudiosos interessados a enviar as suas propostas para a próxima edição de 2025 (n.º 27).
A revista investiga o fenómeno literário pós-colonial em todas as suas formas, mas está particularmente interessada em contribuições que utilizem abordagens comparativas e interdisciplinares:
Indique também o tipo de contribuição (artigo, revisão, trabalho não publicado, entrevista).
Il Tolomeo aceita submissões nas seguintes categorias:
Convidamos todos os interessados em submeter uma proposta a enviar um resumo (máximo 1.000 caracteres, com espaços) até 15/01/2025 através da ligação abaixo indicada. Anexar, para além do resumo, uma nota bio-bibliográfica (em inglês, máximo 1.000 caracteres, com espaços) e 5 palavras-chave (em inglês; não é necessário para recensões, obras inéditas e entrevistas).
O prazo seguinte, para a apresentação das propostas completas, é 18/05/2025.
As propostas deverão ser redigidas num ficheiro .docx e devem seguir as normas de redação e bibliográficas da revista, que podem ser consultadas na página web de Il Tolomeo. Aceitamos propostas em inglês, francês, português e italiano desde que haja coerência entre a língua e o conteúdo (a Direção/Redação reserva-se o direito de conceder eventuais prorrogações por necessidades específicas e fundamentadas). Para mais informações, escrever para ou consultar o site da revista: Il Tolomeo.
Ethical Code of Il Tolomeo
Il Tolomeo is a peer-reviewed scientific journal whose policy is inspired by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Ethical Code. See the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
Publisher’s responsibilities
The Publisher must provide the Journal with adequate resources and the guidance of experts, in order to carry out its role in the most professional way, aiming at the highest quality standard.
The Publisher must have a written agreement that defines the relationship with the owner of the Journal and/or the Editor-in-Chief. The agreement must comply with the Code of Behavior for Publishers of Scientific Journals, as established by COPE.
The relationship among the Editor-in-Chief, the Advisory Board and the Publisher is based on the principle of publishing independence.
Editors’ responsibilities
The Editor-in-Chief and the Advisory Board of Il Tolomeo alone are responsible for the decision to publish the articles submitted.
Submitted articles, after having been checked for plagiarism by means of the anti-plagiarism software Compilatio that is used by the University and is made available to us, will be sent to at least two reviewers. Final acceptance presumes the implementation of possible amendments, as required by the reviewers and under the supervision of the Il Tolomeo Editor-in-Chief.
The Il Tolomeo Editor-in-Chief and Advisory Board must evaluate each submitted paper in compliance with the Journalʼs policy, i.e. exclusively on the basis of its scientific content, without discrimination of race, sex, gender, creed, ethnic origin, citizenship, or the scientific, academic and political position of the Authors.
Allegations of misconduct
If the Il Tolomeo Editor-in-Chief and Advisory Board notice (or receive notifications of) mistakes or inaccuracies, conflict of interest or plagiarism in a published article, they will immediately warn the Author and the Publisher and will undertake the necessary actions to resolve the issue. They will do their best to correct the published content whenever they are informed that it contains scientific errors or that the authors have committed unethical or illegal acts in connection with their published work. If necessary, they will withdraw the article or publish a recantation.
All complaints are handled in accordance with the guidelines published by the COPE.
Concerns and complaints must be addressed to the following e-mail The letter should contain the following information:
Authors’ responsibilities
Authors must follow the Guidelines for Authors to be downloaded from the Il Tolomeo website.
Authors must explicitly state that their work is original in all its parts and that the submitted paper has not been previously published, nor submitted to other journals, until the entire evaluation process is completed. Since no paper gets published without significant revision, earlier dissemination in conference proceedings or working papers does not preclude consideration for publication, but Authors are expected to fully disclose publication/dissemination of the material in other closely related publications, so that the overlap can be evaluated by the Il Tolomeo Editor-in-Chief.
Authors are strongly encouraged to use their ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript. This will ensure the authors’ visibility and correct citation of their work.
Authorship must be correctly attributed; all those who have given a substantial contribution to the design, organisation and accomplishment of the research the article is based on, must be indicated as Co-Authors. Please ensure that: the order of the author names is correct; the names of all authors are present and correctly spelled, and that affiliations are up-to-date.
The respective roles of each co-author should be described in a footnote. The statement that all authors have approved the final version should be included in the disclosure.
Conflicts of interest and financing
Authors, under their own responsibility, must avoid any conflict of interest affecting the results obtained or the interpretations suggested. The Il Tolomeo Editor-in-Chief will give serious and careful consideration to suggestions of cases in which, due to possible conflict of interest, an Author’s work should not be reviewed by a specific scholar. Authors should indicate any financing agency or the project the article stems from.
Authors must see to it that all works consulted be properly quoted. If works or words of others are used, they have to be properly paraphrased or duly quoted. Quotations between “double quotes” (or «angled quotation marks» if the text is written in a language other than English) must reproduce the exact wording of the source; under their own responsibility, Authors should carefully refrain from disguising a restyling of the source’s wording, as though it was the original formulation.
Any form of excessive, inappropriate or unnecessary self-citation, as well as any other form of citation manipulation, are strongly discouraged.
Ethical Committee
Whenever required, the research protocols must be authorised in advance by the Ethical Committee of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
When Authors find a mistake or an inaccuracy in their own article, they must immediately warn the Il Tolomeo Editor-in-Chief, providing all the information needed to make the due adjustments.
Reviewers’ responsibilities
By means of the peer-review procedure, reviewers assist the Il Tolomeo Editor-in-Chief and Advisory Board in taking decisions on the articles submitted. They are expected to offer the Authors suggestions as to possible adjustments aimed at improving their contribution submission.
Timing and conflicts of interest
If a reviewer does not feel up to the task of doing a given review, or if she/he is unable to read the work within the agreed schedule, she/he should notify the Il Tolomeo Editor-in-Chief. Reviewers must not accept articles for which there is a conflict of interest due to previous contributions or to a competition with a disclosed author (or with an author they believe to have identified).
The content of the reviewed work must be considered confidential and must not be used without explicit authorisation by the Author, who is to be contacted via the editor-in-chief. Any confidential information obtained during the peer review process should not be used for other purposes.
Collaborative attitude
Reviewers should see themselves not as adversaries but as advocates for the field. Any comment must be done in a collaborative way and from an objective point of view. Reviewers should clearly motivate their comments and keep in mind the Golden Rule of Reviewing: “Review for others as you would have others review for you”.
Reviewers should report any similarity or overlapping of the work under analysis with other works known to them.
Edizioni Ca’ Foscari
Dorsoduro 3246
30123 Venezia
T +39 041 234 8250
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