Il Tolomeo Rivista di studi postcoloniali | A Postcolonial Studies Journal | Journal d’études postcoloniales | Revista de estudos pós-coloniais

Journal | Il Tolomeo
Monographic journal issue | 23 | 2021
Research Article | Treatment of Plurilectalism in Ousmane Sembène’s Camp de Thiaroye and Campo Thiaroye: Between Omission and Adaptation

Treatment of Plurilectalism in Ousmane Sembène’s Camp de Thiaroye and Campo Thiaroye: Between Omission and Adaptation


The focus of the present study is the comparison between the feature film Camp de Thiaroye (1987) and its Italian version (IV) (1988), from the point of view of a phenomenon treated in the screenplay: plurilingualism and linguistic variations. Comparison of the dialogues of the original version (OV) and the IV shows the omission of some languages in the OV, subtitled in the IV instead. Also, the ‘français tiralleur’ speech was well adapted in the IV, suggesting a better adherence of the IV to the political-aesthetic programme of Sembène.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Aug. 15, 2021 | Accepted: Nov. 14, 2021 | Published Dec. 20, 2021 | Language: fr

Keywords Plurilingualism variationSembène SenegalThiaroye 1944 film TirailleursAudiovisual translation subtitle dubbing

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