De la dépossession à l’expérience de la possession dans Meursault, contre-enquête de Kamel Daoud
There is a clear correlation between the text of L'Étranger of Camus and Meursault, contre-enquête of Kamel Daoud, fertility is sure. Daoud, living in a previously colonised minority context, manipulates Camus’ memorised coded speech to make himself heard. Is it a confrontation or a duplication of speech? The writing attempts to find points of instability and mobility likely to ruin the ‘temple’ of a monumental literary building. Emphasis will be placed on this gesture of appropriation and the polyphony of the text sited between recovery and transgression. This play of intertextuality creates a discursiveness that destabilizes the reader. The reading follows a retroactive investigation that goes beyond an experience of negativity by traversing a path between myth and fantasy that visualises a peaceful relationship between East and West.
Keywords: History • Mixed languages • Algeria • Intertextuality • Trace • Francophone literature • Identity