Home > Catalogue > Il Tolomeo > 19 | 2017

Vol. 19 | December 2017


Language: en, fr, it

Published: Dec. 21, 2017

Copyright: © 2017 This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

Table of contents

Testi creativi | Creative Works | Créations
Abdelwahab Meddeb   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 27 download
Anna Zoppellari   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 5 download
Note biographique
Anna Zoppellari   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 170 view
  • file_download 8 download
Christine De Luca    Francesca Romana Paci   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 213 view
  • file_download 27 download
  • search 185 view
  • file_download 11 download
Lasana M. Sekou   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 429 view
  • file_download 156 download
Traduzione di Federica Messulam (2017)
Federica Messulam   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 160 view
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  • search 238 view
  • file_download 7 download
Geoffrey Philp   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 178 view
  • file_download 10 download
Michela A. Calderaro   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 173 view
Il tempo e la Storia
Giulio Marra   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 10 download
Articoli | Articles | Articles
Le festival Étonnants Voyageurs et les Rencontres québécoises en Haïti
Michał Obszyński   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 17 download
De l’ethnographie à la narration, la métamorphose dans le conte folklorique haïtien
Veronica Brunetto   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 13 download
  • search 224 view
  • file_download 10 download
Notes pour des genèses
Jean Jonassaint   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 206 view
  • file_download 15 download
Analyse de Amour de Marie Vieux-Chauvet
Anna Da Rozze   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 314 view
  • file_download 51 download
  • search 379 view
  • file_download 10 download
Analyse de la représentation langagière et du projet de légitimation linguistique dans Allah n’est pas obligé
Silvia Boraso   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 35 download
Irish Diaspora on the Irish stage (1904 to 1939)
Fabio Luppi   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 11 download
Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf and the Dissonance of Nationhood
Marta Cariello   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 32 download
Richard II by Ouroboros Theatre Company (2013)
Loredana Salis   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 298 view
  • file_download 18 download
Carmen Concilio   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 128 download
Cross-Fertilising Narratives in Lloyd Jones’s Mister Pip
Caterina Colomba   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 55 download
Interviste | Interviews | Interviews
Irene De Angelis   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 5 download
Entretien avec Romuald Fonkoua, directeur du Centre international d’études francophones à l’Université Paris-Sorbonne et rédacteur en chef de la revue Présence africaine
Michał Obszyński   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 13 download
Interview à Ritta Baddoura
Francesca Tumia   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 210 view
  • file_download 7 download
Recensioni | Reviews | Comptes rendus
Suite - et fin ?-  du cycle antillais schwarz-bartien
Kathleen Gyssels   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 17 download
  • search 176 view
  • file_download 6 download
Claudia Mansueto   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 175 view
L’ansia della finitudine
Francesca Romana Paci   
Dec. 21, 2017
  • search 286 view
  • file_download 15 download
Marco Fazzini   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 7 download
  • search 410 view
  • file_download 61 download
Suzanne Crosta   
Dec. 21, 2017
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  • file_download 5 download
  • search 176 view