The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts is an online, biannual, periodical journal, published by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari Digital Publishing.The Journal is the expression of an active research group based at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of Ca’ Foscari University, in Venice (Italy). The same group of scholars previously founded a research centre called CLAVeS, which currently gathers the scientific activities (seminars, conferences, meetings, etc.) that its members hold in Venice. The research topics this Journal investigates stand between Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Aesthetics, and Philosophy of Art. Hence, the Journal is intended to offer a chance to develop a thorough and interdisciplinary research (in terms of both interrelations and exchanges within the international scientific community. Furthermore, the Journal is set to provide the opportunity to discuss several theoretical issues, which lie at the core of contemporary philosophical and scientific debate. No particular school or theoretical orientation as well as attitude is excluded a priori. Indeed, contributors are asked to hold an open perspective without any dogmatism, as well as due rigour of argumentation and thematic choices, in order to abide by the richness and variety of theoretical approaches and visions. The Journal is recognised as a scientific journal for areas 10 (Ancient, philological-literary and historical-artistic sciences) and 11 (Historical, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological sciences) by the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research.
Permalink | e-ISSN 2723-9640 | Periodicità semestrale | Lingua de, en, fr, it
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Ultimo fascicolo pubblicato
In contrast to Quine’s (meta-)ontology and his preference for desert landscapes, recent years have seen a renewed interest in ‘non-being’: non-existent entities, mere possibilia, negative properties, negative facts, absences, nothingness, voids, holes, etc. Interest in the category of non-being is not limited to ontology but has also found applications in the philosophy of mind, particularly regarding the role intentionality plays in relation to non-entities and the problem of perceiving absences. Additionally, it has influenced the philosophy of art, especially in discussions about absence art – i.e., art that features absences as aesthetic objects. This issue of JoLMA highlights the richness of the topic by presenting eight fresh papers that range from metaphysics, ontology, and epistemology, to philosophy of language, aesthetics, and philosophy of mind.
Perspectives on Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations
14 Ottobre 2024
The Art of Mapping Between Land and Mind
26 Luglio 2024
De-Humanizing Cognition, Intelligence, and Agency. A Critical Assessment Between Philosophy, Ethics, and Science
20 Dicembre 2023
Unframing/Reframing in the Contemporary Visual, Performing, and Media Arts
25 Settembre 2023
Translation as Interpretation | On Joseph Margolis’ Aesthetics. A Symposium
20 Dicembre 2022
Greek and Contemporary Philosophies of Language Face to Face
30 Giugno 2022
Leibniz on Language and Cognition
15 Dicembre 2021
Image/Images: A Debate Between Philosophy and Visual Studies
30 Giugno 2021
4E Cognition: Aesthetics, Ecology and Beyond
09 Dicembre 2020
On Dispositions
30 Giugno 2020
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CALL FOR PAPERS (JOLMA 6 | 1 | 2025)
Together: non-representational accounts of social cognition
Editor: Carlos Vara Sánchez
For a long time, in philosophy of mind and psychology, the ‘theory-theory’ and the ‘simulation theory’ have been the predominant approaches in trying to explain how one understands and interrelates with other people. Proponents of the first set of theories argue that we use folk or common sense psychology to infer things about other people's mental states (Baron-Cohen 1995; Leslie 1991). On the other hand, those who endorse the second approach consider that we use our own mental activity to elaborate models of other people’s minds (Gordon 1986; Heal 1986). Despite relevant differences, both frameworks share some basic assumptions, such as the unobservability principle (Krueger 2012) —i.e., we need some extra-perceptual processes to gain knowledge from mental states— or the observational stance —i.e., we need to observe others to explain their behavior.
In the last decades, the situation has changed. The conversation has become more nuanced and complex. New frameworks have offered novel approaches to social cognition. Among the reasons for this change, we can mention the resurging of phenomenological (Merleau-Ponty 2012) and pragmatist theories of the mind (Dewey 1922), the consolidation of James Gibson’s ecological psychology (Gibson 1979), and the emergence of enactivism (Varela, Thompson, and Rosch 1991). All these circumstances have brought renewed ideas, concepts, and perspectives to the debate. Compared to the theory-theory and the simulation theory, a common aspect contributed by these approaches is an emphasis on non-representational explanations of social cognition. Instead of private events such as simulations and inferences, we now find dynamic and action-oriented notions that are deeply embodied and embedded in the sociomaterial environment. Mentions of habits, resonance, attunement, constraints, affordances, or coordination are often found when discussing social cognition from a non-representational perspective in the work of Shaun Gallagher (2020), Anthony Chemero (2009), Giovanna Colombetti (2014), Reuben M. Baron (1980), Dan Zahavi (2014), or Thomas Fuchs (2018). However, there is still much to discuss in this field.
This issue of JOLMA intends to contribute to the debate on non-representational approaches to social cognition and their viability. We aim to collect both sympathetic and critical papers on this topic coming from a variety of philosophical and psychological perspectives. Possible topics might include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Limitations and strengths of non-representational approaches to social cognition;
- Direct perception and social interaction;
- On the possibility of higher-order social cognitive processes without representations;
- Tensions between ecological psychology and enactivism in social cognition;
- Social interaction;
- Non-representational dynamics of social cognition;
- On habits and affordances;
- Affectivity and intersubjectivity.
Invited Contributors:
- Laura Candiotto, University of Pardubice
- Edward Baggs, University of Southern Denmark
- Miguel Segundo-Ortín, University of Murcia
Submission deadline: January 13th, 2025
Notification of acceptance: February 15th, 2025
Articles must be written in English and should not exceed 6,500 words (40,000 characters approx.). The instructions for authors can be consulted in the journal’s website: ‘Editorial Guidelines’.
Submissions must be suitable for blind review. Each submission should also include a brief abstract of no more than 650 words and five keywords for indexing purposes. Notification of intent to submit, including both a title and a brief summary of the content, will be greatly appreciated, as it will assist with the coordination and planning of the issue.
For any question, please use the following address: Carlos Vara Sánchez ( or the journal (
Please submit your proposals to the email or using the section ‘Submit’ of the journal’s website.
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CALL FOR PAPERS (JOLMA 7 | 1 | 2026)
Spinoza on Language
Editor: Emanuela Scribano
Although not systematic, Spinoza’s investigation on the origin, function, and cognitive value of language is present in all of his works. In TIE, KV, and E, language is linked to imagination and inadequate knowledge. In E, language also becomes the example par excellence of the association of ideas, therefore of memory and imaginative knowledge. Dependent on the association between bodily affections, the sign-meaning connection does not express the essence of things and can vary according to individual experiences. For this reason, the same word does not necessarily correspond to the same meaning. Moreover, a word does not always correspond to an idea, perhaps inadequate, but susceptible to univocal definition, as is the case of words that express universal notions. In cases of extreme philosophical importance, Spinoza considers language to directly express the most common prejudices. In all these texts, language proves to be the instrument of communication in the absence of adequate ideas, and an organ of expression of imaginative knowledge. If language is the repository of the errors of the imagination, philosophy must first address the beliefs deposited in linguistic uses, and second, try to oppose them. In doing so, however, it is forced to use the same language modeled on inadequate knowledge. The problem of expressing true ideas through language gave rise to opposite interpretations by D. Savan (“Spinoza and Language”, The Philosophical Review, 1958) and G. H. R Parkinson, “Language and knowledge in Spinoza.” Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 1969), and was recently taken up again by Celine Hervet, De l’imagination à l’entendement: la puissance du langage chez Spinoza, Paris, Garnier 2012. Although the analysis of errors related to language invites a close comparison with other contemporary theories of language, such as that of Thomas Hobbes, this subject has not received much attention in studies devoted to Spinoza’s theory of language.
The analysis of language in the TTP and in the Hebrew Grammar is different in purpose from the analysis carried out in other works. In TTP, it is not a question of bringing out the inadequacy of the ideas that correspond to ordinary language, but of identifying exactly the meanings of the Hebrew language, whether they are adequate ideas or not. By ignoring the linguistic habits of Hebrew, one risks attributing to the speakers and to the words used by the authors meanings and intentions that were not those of the authors themselves. The philosophical implications of Hebrew Grammar are rarely discussed by the scholars, but this work deserves a deep investigation as an example of scientific study of a language. The Italian translation of the Compendium of Hebrew Grammar, edited by Pina Totaro (Firenze, Olschki 2012) encourages to delve deeper into this aspect of Spinoza's thought. Finally, the political use of language underlined in TTP deserves closer attention, as Laurent Bove has suggested (L. Bove, “L’Enseignement philosophique”, La théorie du langage chez Spinoza 1991).
This journal issue aims to expand our knowledge of Spinoza's views on language, its cognitive function, its role in orienting beliefs, its cultural meaning, its relationship with truth and with different cultural contexts. Contributions may address one or more topics related to this Call and focus on Spinoza's works, his relationship with contemporary or antecedent theories of language, his reception, or his relevance to present-day philosophical debates.
Invited Contributors:
- Filippo Mignini
- Pierre-François Moreau
- Steven Nadler
- Pina Totaro
Submission deadline: April 30th, 2026
Notification of acceptance: June 30th, 2026
Articles must be written in English and should not exceed 6,500 words (40,000 characters approx.). The instructions for authors can be consulted in the journal’s website: ‘Editorial Guidelines’.
Submissions must be suitable for blind review. Each submission should also include a brief abstract of no more than 650 words and five keywords for indexing purposes. Notification of intent to submit, including both a title and a brief summary of the content, will be greatly appreciated, as it will assist with the coordination and planning of the issue.
For any question, please use the following address: Emanuela Scribano ( or the journal (
Please submit your proposals to the email or using the section ‘Submit’ of the journal’s website.
Ethical Code of The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts
The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts is a peer-reviewed scientific journal whose policy is inspired by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Ethical Code. See the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
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