The series publishes monographs and collections devoted to the history and literature of the Byzantine world, as well as its…
The series, directed by Lucio Milano, is devoted to the studies of the ancient and late-ancient world. It is intended…
Tres bibliothecas habeo, unam Graecam, alteram Latinam. Thus, in the Satyricon, Trimalchio addresses the rhetorician Agamemnon, without mentioning the language(s)…
The Byzantine Studies series emerges as a natural continuation of the experience gained during the 24th International Congress of Byzantine…
The series Ca' Foscari Japanese Studies, strong in the tradition well-established at the Dipartimento di Studi sull’Asia e sull’Africa Mediterranea,…
The series Diaspore. Quaderni di ricerca originates from the desire to investigate the human being’s diasporic dimension, in its various…
Inspired by the process of scientific analysis and contextual public disclosure of collected materials in the wider Humanities, this academic…
The Eurasiatica. Quaderni di Studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale series was created to deal specifically with…
La collana, diretta da Maria Pia Pedani ed Elisabetta Ragagnin, raccoglie monografie, edizioni di fonti e atti di convegni relativi…
La collana vuol essere lo spazio in cui pubblicare traduzioni di opere alle quali viene riconosciuto un particolare valore nella…
La collana intende raccogliere studi e testi di ambito italianistico, riferentisi al periodo dalle Origini ai giorni nostri, prodotti in…
This series is devoted to the social-cultural study of early modern knowledge cultures (ca.1450-1750). It promotes studies that highlight the…
The series aims to collect proceedings of conventions, conferences and other important events (film festivals, exhibitions, translations, catalogues) promoted, within…
The series mainly includes original studies devoted to classical literature and the classical heritage in the medieval and modern literary…
The series Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica publishes monographs and collections of high scientific rigor essays regarding linguistic and cultural areas…
Lingue dei segni e sordità (LISS) è uno spazio dialogico aperto al confronto di approcci e scuole diverse nello studio…
The series aims to present studies on linguistic variation in a broad sense, from the micro-variation that is found among…
The book series, sponsored by the Department of Asian and North African Studies through the Marco Polo Research Centre for…
The book series, sponsored by the Department of Asian and North African Studies, aims to enhance theoretical and practical research…
The series is currently divided into Serie occidentale and Serie orientale, which will gather research of philological nature (critical editions,…
Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti is a non-fiction series that welcomes and proposes texts, studies and researches dealing with migratory phenomena, diasporas…
The new series is divided into four parts or areas. It intends, firstly, to publish volumes by philosophers and scholars…
Quaderni di Venezia Arti, created by Wladimiro Dorigo, returns in a new series aimed at the publication of monographs, studies…
La collana è la ‘costola’ monografica della rivista Quaderni Veneti. Nuova serie digitale (QV): accoglie, con scansione periodica irregolare, gli…
La collana rappresenta un importante strumento d’indagine del settore automotive. Essa è realizzata dal CAMI (Center for Automotive and Mobility…
La collana Ricerche su genere e inclusione tra accademia e società nasce su iniziativa del Comitato unico di garanzia per…
The series is the expression of the Center for Research on Teaching of Languages, which in Edizioni Ca’ Foscari also…
The series' title expresses the desire to deepen the profiles related to the European integration process, not ignoring the most…
The series publishes philological, literary and cultural studies, as well as linguistic, translanguaging and glottodidactic studies with the specific subject…
The series Sinica venetiana is devoted to the studies on ancient, modern and contemporary China. It collects monographs and critical…
The peer-reviewed book series Società e trasformazioni sociali reflect Ca’ Foscari scientific high standards and publishe online accessible books on…
La collana nasce per rinnovare la tradizione della pubblicazione di resoconti periodici sulle attività della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e…
The series comprises a set of perspectives that bring a fresh eye to the main genres of the European humanistic…
Storie dell’arte contemporanea, diretta da Nico Stringa e Stefania Portinari, mappa indagini legate alla storia e al sistema dell’arte contemporanea,…
The Studi ciprioti book series promotes the publication of innovative and interdisciplinary studies on Cyprus.Across the millennia, Cyprus has combined…
The series, directed by Flavia De Rubeis and Dorit Raines, is the result of an agreement stipulated between the Veneto…
The series, co-ordinated by Laura Cerasi, Mario Infelise and Anna Rapetti, aims to host studies on medieval, modern and contemporary…
Il tema delle reti d’impresa ha assunto crescente rilevanza negli studi di management focalizzati sulla competitività e sostenibilità delle imprese,…
This peer-reviewed series will foreground original scientific contributions addressing visual, performing, and media arts in the form of authored or…
Archived book series
La collana Comunicazione interculturale, Comint, è l’espressione del Centro di Ricerca sulla Didattica delle Lingue rispetto a questo fondamentale ma…
The series Culture del lavoro intends to bring out researches on work and its representations that take place at Ca’…
The series Innesti aims to investigate the role of narrative, literary and cinematographic forms, as well as the severa discursive…
This series includes research in the fields of economics, finance, management and business. The main objective is to publish leading-edge…
The series focuses on those texts in which philosophical research know how to compete with other disciplines (from the so-called…
The series is intended as a reference point on the research about the transformation of public policy processes in general…
This series collects essays capable of analyzing data and at the same time proposing reflections on phenomena such as gender…
The online journal continues the tradition of the Annali di Ca’ Foscari which was founded in 1962. It is an…
Annali di Ca’ Foscari.Serie orientale is the journal of the Department of Asian and North African Studies of Ca' Foscari…
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new online journal Armeniaca. International Journal of Armenian Studies to be…
The journal Axon. Greek historical inscriptions intends to fill a gap in the panorama of the scientific and didactic experience…
Balcania et Slavia. Studi linguistici | Studies in linguistics is a newly founded international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on…
Bhasha. Journal of South Asian Linguistics, Philology and Grammatical Traditions is an international journal that welcomes submissions that adopt evidence-based…
Les Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz sont nés en 1990, sous la forme d’un recueil de contributions autour d’un thème…
EL.LE is the quarterly journal of the Centre for Research on Language Teaching of the Department of Linguistics and Comparative…
English Literature. Theories, Interpretations, Contexts was founded within the National Association of Teachers of English Studies (ANDA) in 2014. Presently,…
Il Tolomeo first saw the light of day in 1995, thanks to the work of a group of postcolonial scholars…
The Journal Inequalities centers around the examination of the big social issue of inequalities, integrated within a global vision of…
The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts is an online, biannual, periodical journal, published by Edizioni…
This open-access, peer-reviewed journal offers a space to investigate, according to the criteria of historical research, the phenomena related to…
Starting with the new issue of 2024, the journal KASKAL. Rivista di storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico…
Lagoonscapes. The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities is a digital, open-access, international, and trans-disciplinary journal based at The New Institute…
Lei è un progetto del Career Service dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia nato nel 2017, nell’ambito delle attività di orientamento e…
Since its establishment in 1988, Lexis has declared its fields of interest and aims of study in the subtitle on…
magazén | International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities is the interdisciplinary journal of the Venice Centre for Digital and…
The journal MDCCC 1800, founded in 2012 by Martina Frank, Elena Catra, Isabella Collavizza, Myriam Pilutti Namer and Letizia Tasso,…
Quaderni Veneti. Nuova serie digitale (QV) collects the heritage of the journal founded in 1985 by Giorgio Padoan. QV is…
Quotidiana. Journal for the Study of Lived Religion is an interdisciplinary, biannual, open-access journal published by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari -…
Rassegna iberistica is an international (double blind) peer-reviewed journal, founded by Franco Meregalli and Giuseppe Bellini in 1978. Each issue…
Recent years have witnessed a great development of East Asian studies in Italy (China and Japan above all, but also…
The journal, which has biannual periodicity, is intended as a means of dissemination of the issues and achievements accomplished by…
Riviste archiviate
A journal that arises in a completely original way than other publications and supplements dedicated to the Immaginifico and considers…
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archiveArchivio d’Annunzio archiveRicerche giuridiche
Edizioni Ca’ Foscari
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30123 Venezia
T +39 041 234 8250
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