Collana | SAIL
Miscellanea | Educazione linguistica inclusiva
Capitolo | Translanguaging, intercomprensione e didattica inclusiva in contesti ‘svantaggiati’

Translanguaging, intercomprensione e didattica inclusiva in contesti ‘svantaggiati’


The aim of this paper is to propose a reflection on three concepts – translanguaging, inter-comprehension, inclusion – apparently unrelated to each other, trying to establish interconnections for the linguistic integration of migrant subjects, considered ‘disadvantaged’. In fact, many widespread social representations and some L2 learning/teaching practices are opposed, in favour of mimicry and monolingualism, to any manifestation of diversity, plurality, non-conflicting coexistence respecting otherness. Instead, didactic practices based on the recognition of translanguaging and intercomprehensive approaches can constitute a concrete tool of inclusion.

Open access

Presentato: 27 Maggio 2020 | Pubblicato 23 Febbraio 2021 | Lingua: it

Keywords Disadvantaged contextsEducational linguisticsCommunicative competencePlurilingualismLanguage educationInclusion

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