Quaderni di Venezia Arti

Quaderni di Venezia Arti

open access | peer reviewed

Quaderni di Venezia Arti, ideata da Wladimiro Dorigo, ritorna in una nuova serie volta alla pubblicazione di monografie, studi e atti di convegni, che abbiano come tema l’indagine teorica, storica e critica delle arti, a partire dalle ricerche svolte nell’ambito del Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni culturali dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia. La collana accoglie saggi e contributi scientifici di studiosi italiani e stranieri, con particolare attenzione all’esito delle indagini sviluppate nell’ambito dei dottorati e attraverso le tesi di laurea magistrali; inoltre, si propone come strumento per accentuare il confronto di idee sul piano metodologico e su quello delle prassi artistiche, come recupero della memoria artistica e come osservatorio delle tendenze culturali contemporanee.

Permalink doi.org | e-ISSN 2784-8868 | Lingua en, it, ru | ANCE E243259

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Ultimo volume pubblicato

Latest journal publication cover
  • In my End is my Beginning
  • Dialectical Images in Times of Crisis
  • Asia Benedetti, Angelica Bertoli, Andrea Golfetto, Maria Novella Tavano
  • 11 Dicembre 2024
  • The volume comprises a selection of papers presented at the 6th Postgraduate International Conference organized by the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Venice, 9-11 October 2024): In my End is my Beginning. Dialectical Images in Times of Crisis. Both in the past and the present, humanity has been witnessing the collapse of its own identity, sociopolitical system and cultural order, as well as their restoration. In this imbalance, Ernesto De Martino acknowledges the roots of crisis, elaborating how the end of the world represents the culmination of the issue of existence, caught between the risk of downfall and the quest for redemption. At that moment, an apocalypse happens to reveal when a specific order needs to be replaced by new symbolic formations that correspond to the changed Zeitgeist. The vitality of an apocalyptic thinking, which continually transforms and produces new images of the crisis, leads us to consider a dimension in which the clash between the past and the future creates a generative power. In this liminal space between different meanings of ‘crisis’ and their translation into images, it is fundamental to consider what Walter Benjamin conceptualized as a dialectical image, a fragment wherein “what has been comes together in a flash with the now to form a constellation” (Arcades Project, 1999, 462). The 6th Postgraduate International Conference was aimed at investigating the liminal space between different meanings of ‘crisis’ and ‘apocalypse’, discovering how, through multiple processes of translation into images, these notions reveal new, unexpected beginnings. This volume therefore investigates the image as a representation of this dialectical moment.

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