Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | La didattica delle lingue nel nuovo millennio
Chapter | VPI online: un approccio glottodidattico alla verifica della preparazione iniziale all’università

VPI online: un approccio glottodidattico alla verifica della preparazione iniziale all’università


For over a decade, according to the provisions of Law 270/2004, Italian universities have been called to verify the initial preparation of students (VPI) enrolled in the first year of open access university degrees. A inter-university research group, formed by educational linguists from the Universities of Genoa, Parma and Urbino, is conducting a study aimed at creating the conditions for the verification of communicative skills which are necessary for native and international students to study at an Italian university. The project is placed within an educational linguistic framework and aims to highlight the strategic as well as the cross-curricular role of communicative skills at the time of entering university.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Published May 15, 2018 | Language: it

Keywords Testing academic language proficiencyUniversity students’ communicative skillsAssessing initial preparationLanguage for academic purposes

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