Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | La didattica delle lingue nel nuovo millennio
Chapter | Italiano L2 a studenti in mobilità

Italiano L2 a studenti in mobilità

Nuove competenze per gli studi universitari


This paper offers an opportunity to reflect on developing new skills and competences to respond to the new challenges and transformations posed by changes in the world of education and training in our knowledge-based society. In particular, the paper aims at analysing and reflecting on the so-called ‘transversal key competences’ and their application to Italian L2 teaching in universities. These skills and competences are needed to succeed in an ever-changing world not only to support the development of language skills, but also to promote personal development, employability, mobility and active citizenship.

Open access

Published May 15, 2018 | Language: it

Keywords Foreign university studentsInternationalizationItalian L2European policiesStudent mobilityLanguage educationKey competences

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