Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | La didattica delle lingue nel nuovo millennio
Chapter | The Case of the Non-Native English Speaker in EMI

The Case of the Non-Native English Speaker in EMI


Internationalisation of higher education has led to an increase in the offer of English Taught Programs (ETPs) and English Medium Instruction (EMI) in the last few years. While ETPs are gaining consensus they are also generating a series of questions, often interrelated, which are begging discussion. One of these is whether there is an effect – detrimental or otherwise – of the non-native speaker (NNS) of English as the ‘sender’ or ‘receiver’ of knowledge. Research into EMI is a growing field, with numerous studies of the lecturer role, with somewhat fewer studies investigating the students’ experiences. This paper aims to investigate the interaction between the non-native speaker (NNS) lecturer and NNS student, in order to assess the perceptions of the NNS and how knowledge is negotiated in a language which is not ‘owned’ by either party.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Published May 15, 2018 | Language: en

Keywords Non-native speakerEMIHigher EducationETPInternationalisation

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