magazén International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities

magazén International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities

open access | peer reviewed

Aims & Scope
magazén | International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities is the interdisciplinary journal of the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH). It is indexed in Scopus, undergoes double-blind peer review, and is published twice per year in open access by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. Counting renowned scholars among its advisory editors and authors, the journal covers the international debate and methodological discourse in the field of digital and public humanities as the basis for collaborative development of durable, reusable, and shared resources for research, learning, and public outreach. Over the years, the journal developed into an open platform for Digital Textual Scholarship, Digital and Public Art History, Digital and Public History, Digital Cultural Heritage, and Digital and Public Archaeology, covering a wide range of topics – Western and Eastern Europe, Middle and Far East, and the Americas. The Journal originated from a project funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and University (MIUR) based at the Department of Humanities at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The name magazén refers to the historical definition of public houses in the Republic of Venice, which were thriving places of diverse human deeds, including information exchange, commercial bargains, and pawnshops.

Permalink | e-ISSN 2724-3923 | Periodicity biannual | Language en, it

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