magazén International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities

Journal | magazén
Monographic journal issue | 3 | 2 | 2022
Research Article | Recreating the Sacred Urban Space

Recreating the Sacred Urban Space

Recreating the Sacred Urban Space Warsaw Churches from the End of the Second Northern War Until the End of the Reign of John II Casimir (1657‑68) in the View of the Urban Onto Ontology


During the Second Northern War (1655-60) the sacred urban space of Warsaw was demolished. Only four out of 20 church buildings survived the war intact. The others were totally destroyed or severely damaged. The aim of this article is to verify whether the continuity of the functioning of Warsaw churches was maintained in the post-war crisis period until the abdication of King John II Casimir Vasa in 1668. The analysis of changes in urban space is based on the Urbanonto ontology, which is used to describe the changes taking place within the space of the European town between the late Middle Ages and the beginning of the twentieth century.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Aug. 31, 2022 | Accepted: Nov. 17, 2022 | Published Dec. 16, 2022 | Language: en

Keywords 17th centuryOntologyWar damageReconstructionUrban space

Subtags Visualisation Processing Technology Geo-referenced data Publication Documents

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