Series | SAIL
Edited book | Inclusive Linguistic Education
Chapter | Educazione linguistica inclusiva e Language Teacher Cognition

Educazione linguistica inclusiva e Language Teacher Cognition

Proposta di uno strumento di indagine e alcuni dati da un’indagine in Lombardia


Italy has always been a multilingual country. Over the past fifty years, globalisation has brought a new multilingualism to schools. During approximately the same time span, many scholars and linguists have outlined a vision of language education as a global process, which has gradually found its way into Italian Ministry of Education documents. The implementation of language education, however, is ultimately entrusted to teachers and is therefore conditioned by their ‘language teacher cognition’. This contribution, based on data derived from a larger survey conducted in Lombardy, focuses on teachers’ attitudes to and opinions about pluringual and pluri/intercultural activities.

Open access

Submitted: May 27, 2020 | Published Feb. 23, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords PlurilingualismPlurilingual educationLanguage EducationPrimary schoolPlurilingual activitiesLanguage Teacher CognitionTeacher cognitionPluri/intercultural activities

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