Series | SAIL
Edited book | Inclusive Linguistic Education
Chapter | La rappresentazione delle diversità nei materiali glottodidattici

La rappresentazione delle diversità nei materiali glottodidattici

Un’indagine comparativa sui manuali di inglese americano e d’italiano per stranieri


This chapter presents the results of a research study on the photographs used in a sample of foreign language coursebooks (FLC). The study aimed to determine to what extent the pictures are representative of the different types of diversity that constitute our societies. A corpus of 699 pictures taken from a selection of FLC of English and Italian was created. On the whole, the analysis showed that, while cultural diversity is widely present in the FLC, other types of diversity, such as disability or the LGBT community, are mostly neglected. The results of the study are relevant for researchers and publishers interested in inclusive textbook design, as it highlights the relevance of pictures in FLC not only as an aesthetic and pedagogical support, but also as visual representations of diversity as a value in our society.

Open access

Submitted: May 27, 2020 | Published Feb. 23, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords Textbook designVisual supportsInclusionLanguage EducationDiversity

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