Series | SAIL
Edited book | Inclusive Linguistic Education
Chapter | Il task plurilingue: uno strumento didattico per la promozione dell’apprendimento interculturale e di inclusione sociale

Il task plurilingue: uno strumento didattico per la promozione dell’apprendimento interculturale e di inclusione sociale


Failing to acknowledge the presence of cultural and linguistic diversity within the scholastic institution, alongside with its monolingual habitus, causes the marginalization of entire groups of learners, whose effective and active participation in the democratic process of learning is prevented. The creation of plurilingual tasks to the contrary aims at promoting intercultural competence and inclusion, both of which can only be initiated, if all languages and cultures present within the learner group are included in the learning process. The present qualitative study aims at identifying emergent forms of inclusive and intercultural learning in such plurilingual task-based learning settings.

Open access

Submitted: May 27, 2020 | Published Feb. 23, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords InclusionMultilingualismPlurilingual taskMediationIntercultural learning

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