Series | SAIL
Edited book | Inclusive Linguistic Education
Chapter | L’Enneagramma: uno strumento inclusivo di indagine per il docente di lingue straniere

L’Enneagramma: uno strumento inclusivo di indagine per il docente di lingue straniere


The Enneagram of psychological types is a dynamic model that helps us to understand the various elements that contributed shaping our personality offering us, at the same time, useful operational principles to interpret and react to others’ actions and words. It represents an interesting inclusive tool given that its application may promote more effective communication and dialogue among people. This paper presents the first of a series of case studies involving 337 Italian students who were asked to answer the SEDIG test developed by Daniels, release a sample of their handwriting and complete the Skill View Test by Costa and McCrae. The aim of this research is to verify whether exposing students to Enneagram Types increases their awareness of their identity and improves their academic performance in terms of better exam marks.

Open access

Submitted: May 27, 2020 | Published Feb. 23, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords InclusionModern languagesEducational LinguisticsTertiary educationEnneagram

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