Series | SAIL
Edited book | Policies and Practices for Linguistic Education, Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication
Chapter | Insegnamento linguistico e plusdotazione

Insegnamento linguistico e plusdotazione

Le caratteristiche dell’apprendente


For gifted students learning a foreign language involves different processes with regards to the ones of their peers. Their learning is noticeably diverse due to their specific high cognitive abilities. Language teachers need to be familiar with the characteristics exhibited by gifted students as they are learning languages, in order to plan an effective learning environment. In this paper some general characteristics of gifted students are described, and their distinctiveness are underlined in relation to foreign language learning, thereby also providing a review of the literature of works dealing with giftedness.

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 16, 2020 | Published May 24, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords GiftednessGifted studentsLanguage teachingLanguage learningTalented language learners

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