Series | SAIL
Edited book | Policies and Practices for Linguistic Education, Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication
Chapter | Finalizzare le occasioni

Finalizzare le occasioni

L’uso delle interviste nella didattica dell’italiano ai calciatori stranieri


Linguistics can be used to examine aspects pertaining to the world of football and, specifically, to teach Italian as second language to professional footballers. The focus of this paper is on after-match interviews and on the necessity, perceived both by football clubs and players, to be prepared for this relevant communicative event. The research question is whether it is possible to use clubs’ official broadcasts in order to obtain useful linguistic and lexical information to plan immersive and motivating didactic materials. To find a possible answer, a limited number of interviews by players of Udinese football club are analysed using TreeTagger, thereby investigating trends and specificities.

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 16, 2020 | Published May 24, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords Corpus analysisTreeTaggerInterviewsVocabularyLinguistics of football

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