Series | SAIL
Edited book | Policies and Practices for Linguistic Education, Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication
Chapter | Paesaggi linguistici e scrittura plurilingue

Paesaggi linguistici e scrittura plurilingue

Un’analisi di testi plurilingui di allievi/e delle scuole secondarie di secondo grado


The present research investigates linguistic landscaping in plurilingual written communication. Students were asked to write plurilingual texts, using all the languages available in their repertoire. This resulted in a systematic use of code-switching and translanguaging which both became part of the writing process. The data analysis showed that students used the different languages of their plurilingual repertoire to construct and vary meaning in the texts according to specific needs or requirements, thus creating subjective linguistic landscapes. On the basis of an analysis of 69 texts and 5 stimulated recalls held after the writing workshops, the following research questions were investigated: according to which criteria do students chose languages to communicate in writing? What type of attitudes and dispositions emerge? Which linguistic landscapes can be recognised?

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 16, 2020 | Published May 24, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords TranslanguagingLinguistic landscapingPlurilingual writingSchool scapingLinguistic repertoire

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