Series | SAIL
Edited book | Policies and Practices for Linguistic Education, Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication
Chapter | Caratteristiche ed esiti di un corso di formazione per insegnanti volontari di italiano L2

Caratteristiche ed esiti di un corso di formazione per insegnanti volontari di italiano L2

Suggerimenti per favorire lo sviluppo di prassi didattiche efficaci


This paper presents the characteristics and outcomes of a training course for L2 Italian volunteer teachers (VTs). The aims of the course were: 1) to help VTs reflect upon their beliefs and past teaching experience; 2) to propose new teaching activities and work on them; 3) to analyse new perceptions and pedagogical practices that have developed as a result of the course. The outcomes were tested on 18 participants, whose psychological disposition towards their duties and improvement in grammar teaching were assessed using Guskey’s Teacher Training Evaluation Questionnaire. Classroom observations, conducted via a simplified version of the COLT scheme, allowed to further detect and analyse changes in teaching practices. Results show improvements in teaching and in pedagogical awareness.

Open access

Published May 24, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords Forced migrantsTeacher trainingLanguage teachersTeachers’ beliefsTeachers’ cognition

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