Series | SAIL
Edited book | Policies and Practices for Linguistic Education, Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication
Chapter | Il modello CLIL in contesto scolastico ungherese

Il modello CLIL in contesto scolastico ungherese

In this article I present findings of a survey regarding native and non-native teachers in bilingual education, in relation to a subtype of CLIL programs in a Hungarian school context. I focus specifically on the use of Italian as a Foreign Language used as a vehicular language. Through audio recordings of 10 lessons and 6 interviews carried out during teacher observations in three high schools and in one elementary school, I examine the spontaneous language behaviour of native and non-native teachers in disciplinary subjects, such as History, Geography, Civilization and Ethics, during lessons carried out in Italian.

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 16, 2020 | Published: May 24, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords Vehicular language Bilingual education Native teachers CLIL Non-native teachers

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