Series | SAIL
Edited book | Inclusive Linguistic Education
Chapter | Corpo, Cervello e Linguaggio: una prospettiva neuroscientifica

Corpo, Cervello e Linguaggio: una prospettiva neuroscientifica


Throughout evolution, the human motor system has acquired progressively more complex properties concerning motor learning, the hierarchical control of serial behaviour and the fluidity of motor output, despite a slow transmission system connected to the body periphery. Since evolution tends to be conservative, it would not be surprising if many of these solutions had been exploited in another area, as the development of a very sophisticated communication system, such as language was at first. The implications of this hypothesis for a renewed neuro-scientific understanding of the human language will be discussed in this paper.

Open access

Submitted: May 27, 2020 | Published Feb. 23, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords Mirror neuronsSemanticsLanguagePhono-articulationActionSyntaxNeural reuseEmbodied simulation

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