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Recensione | Palabras Vocabulario Léxico
Capitolo | Aprendizaje de vocabulario en la Lengua Extranjera

Aprendizaje de vocabulario en la Lengua Extranjera

Influencia interlingüística, modo de aprendizaje, y otras variables moldeadoras


This paper presents an overview of the main variables that affect classroom lexical learning in a foreign language. After focusing on the importance of vocabulary for first and second language acquisition, we have described the different dimensions of the vocabulary construct, to then go on to explore the most outstanding results of the studies that examine the modelling factors of vocabulary acquisition in a foreign language. Specifically, we have looked into cross-linguistic influence, type of acquisition with emphasis on type of learning approach, and type of task used for vocabulary acquisition. Other variables with less conclusive results such as gender and age were also of interest in the present paper. Finally, we conclude by suggesting some steps to tackle lexical instruction which arise from the findings of the studies reviewed in the present chapter.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 25 Ottobre 2016 | Accettato: 10 Gennaio 2017 | Lingua: it

Keywords Lexical taskAcquisitionVariablesSpanish as a Foreign LanguageLexical learning

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