Piezas léxicas y variación morfosintáctica en la Historia del español
Tres casos en el español de los Siglos de Oro (1581-1620)
Recent work on language change has stressed the lexical nature of morphosyntactic variation. Taking this assumption as starting point, this study, based on a representative and comparable corpus such as the Corpus de Documentos Españoles Anteriores a 1700 (CODEA), examines, according to social and stylistic dimensions, three linguistic variables (variation in lexical adverbs ansí and así, the extension of mismo ‘same’, the use of haber for some kinds of possession). The study focuses mainly on the interaction between lexical items and morphosyntactic variation, but might also be useful for the periodization of the history of Spanish language, especially during the Golden Age, as well as for the theory of language change.
Keywords: Morphosyntactic variation • Language change • Periodization • History of the Spanish language • Lexical items
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-169-0/VP-1-15