Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | La traducción del teatro clásico español (siglos XIX-XXI)
Capitolo | La vida es sueño en lituano

La vida es sueño en lituano

Traducción para la escena


Calderón’s La vida es sueño was translated into Lithuanian at the end of the 1990s. The purpose of this paper is to analyse some aspects of the translated text, in order to establish how the original was adapted to such a different language. When translating cases of hyperbaton, what is considered to be an alteration of the normal word order in Spanish, in Lithuanian, the target language, results in a natural speech. The translator chose to use transpositions such as verbalisation, thus making the text more dynamic and closer to Lithuanian. The original text was merely domesticated, but – as the translator himself acknowledged – was transformed for the stage.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 22 Giugno 2020 | Accettato: 01 Luglio 2020 | Pubblicato 22 Dicembre 2020 | Lingua: es

Keywords Theatre translationLa vida es sueñoGyvenimas – tai sapnasLithuanian translation of Spanish literatureCalderón de la Barca

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