Studi e ricerche

Collana | Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | La didattica delle lingue nel nuovo millennio
Capitolo | Lingua araba a scuola: nuove prospettive glottodidattiche

Lingua araba a scuola: nuove prospettive glottodidattiche


The paper deals with the theme of Arabic teaching as a new Foreign Language in Italian schools. In recent years, the demand for inclusion of Arabic in Italian schools is growing, particularly in two specific areas: High Schools and Primary Schools. In the first case it is proposed as a third language, often as an alternative to Chinese, but in the latter case it is proposed in projects where the objective of maintaining L1 for pupils with non-Italian citizenship intersects with the request to extend learning Arabic as LS to a mixed users. These new learning contexts for Arabic require the development of innovative methodologies for a language that, up to a decade ago, had a predominantly university target and therefore a modulated didactics on these specific teaching paths. Here it is of crucial importance to focus not only on the diffusion of this phenomenon at national level but also on issues of method and quality of teaching aids for this sector. In particular, we expose a didactical experience concerning the use of the proverb in the teaching of Arabic, by analysing the potentialities of this methodological choice in view of the development of possible learning units for High Schools.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 15 Maggio 2018 | Lingua: it

Keywords SociolinguisticsIntercultural skillsProverbsArabicMethod

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