Series | SAIL
Edited book | La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione
Chapter | Dal precettore a Duolingo: un’interpretazione linguistico-educativa e alcune considerazioni sul suo impiego e la sua efficacia

Dal precettore a Duolingo: un’interpretazione linguistico-educativa e alcune considerazioni sul suo impiego e la sua efficacia

Il corso di norvegese


Among the most successful language self-teaching apps, Duolingo stands out due to its ease of access and simplicity of use. In this paper, after a general description of the app, an interpretation will be attempted in terms of language learning, with particular reference to the approaches, methodologies and techniques it seems to be based upon, which skills it aims to develop and with what likely results. Its pros and cons will be highlighted, taking into specific examination the Norwegian language course. In conclusion, the use of the app as a support for a structured language course will be outlined.

Open access

Published April 28, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords GlottotecnologieMALL (Mobile-assisted language learning)NorvegeseApprocci e metodi glottodidattici

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