Series | SAIL
Edited book | La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione
Chapter | EMI (English Medium Instruction) all’università: occasioni di confronto tra docenti disciplinaristi e linguisti educativi

EMI (English Medium Instruction) all’università: occasioni di confronto tra docenti disciplinaristi e linguisti educativi


The paper investigates the professional competences needed in EMI contexts, starting from the stakeholders’ perception and awareness of such specific needs. This is part of a research project involving the two authors whose final outcome is a framework for Collaborative Professional Development specifically tailored for teaching through English in the Italian academic context. After illustrating the general premises of the project, we here share the preliminary data collected thanks to a survey involving EMI specialists and educational linguists. Assessing EMI stakeholders’ perceived needs in order to improve their teaching in English, and the role of Educational Linguistics specialists in EMI professional development, are the first two steps of the project.

Open access

Published April 28, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Collaborative Professional DevelopmentEducational LinguisticsHigher educationEMI (English Medium Instruction)Teacher cognition

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