Series | SAIL
Edited book | La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione
Chapter | Ordinari, Baroni, Maestri, Mentori

Ordinari, Baroni, Maestri, Mentori


In universities there are four types of academicians: full professors, career bosses, masters, and mentors. The essay discusses these four academic figures pointing out some features that help tell which is which, however disguised or blurred they may be. Each type of academician is described, focussing on the relationship with his or her pupils. The reason for this unusual topic is that both Carmel Coonan and I were full professors, worked for decades a few feet from one another, raised pupils – yet we never discussed what our idea of being full professors was. This volume in honour of Carmel Coonan gives me a good chance to think about it, now that we have both retired and have time to think quietly.

Open access

Published April 28, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Academic policyMentors and MastersAcademic careersKnowledge sharingAcademic life

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