Series | SAIL
Edited book | La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione
Chapter | L’insegnamento esplicito nello sviluppo della competenza pragmatica

L’insegnamento esplicito nello sviluppo della competenza pragmatica

Il caso dei segnali discorsivi


The paper presents a brief review of research in the field of L2/LS pragmatic teaching, focusing on the effects of explicit versus implicit approach in learning situations that focus on discourse markers (DMs). The literature on the subject offers a vast panorama of studies that take into consideration different types of structuring of the didactic intervention. Although studies on the development of DMs have shown that input flood and frequent exposure to specific target forms support their acquisition, explicit instruction along with input flood has been shown to positively influence the overall frequency and use of DMs.

Open access

Published April 28, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords L2/LS teachingDiscourse markers (DM)Input floodAcquisitionImplicit/explicit teaching

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