Series | SAIL
Edited book | La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione
Chapter | Il profilo dell’insegnante di lingue minoritarie, tra standardizzazione delle competenze e varietà dei modelli scolastici

Il profilo dell’insegnante di lingue minoritarie, tra standardizzazione delle competenze e varietà dei modelli scolastici


Our paper is based on this observation: there is a link between the quality of the language teaching, and the visibility and recognition of the skills of the teachers. In communities identified by a minority language, school and education have a key role in their maintenance and enhancement; at this time, though, it isn’t possible to drawn up a satisfactory result about the quality of minority language (ML) teaching in Italy; this is also because of the lack of a common and issued profile of the skills of the teachers.

Open access

Published April 28, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Profilo del docente di linguePolitica scolasticaEducazione plurilingueInsegnamento delle lingue minoritarie

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