Series | SAIL
Edited book | La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione
Chapter | Il CLIL con studenti universitari di livello linguistico avanzato

Il CLIL con studenti universitari di livello linguistico avanzato


In language teaching it is believed that CLIL is a particularly effective methodology for promoting the learning of foreign languages through the study of non-linguistic subjects. For university students who already possess advanced skills in English, the linguistic objective of a CLIL path should consist not so much (or not only) in the knowledge of specific terminology as in the ability to produce texts, especially written ones, conforming to the specific textual, rhetorical and genre conventions both of each discipline and of the target cultural community. Here we analyse the advantages of CLIL with university students of advanced linguistic level, but also the main learning difficulties and teacher training problems posed by this methodological choice.

Open access

Published April 28, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Teachers’ trainingCLILLanguages for specific purposesUniversity studentsLanguage learning

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