Series |
Edited book | La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione
Chapter | ‘Di necessità, virtù’: insegnamento linguistico, tecnologia e ricerca-azione al tempo del COVID-19
The long lockdown period has forced the world of education to work from home, a circumstance that created inconveniences and considerable problems. At the same time, however, distance education has proved to be an opportunity to explore and exploit the potential of technology, engaging teachers and students in the search for creative solutions in response to contingent difficulties. An emblematic experience is presented in this case study, as representative of the vocation of some teachers to take on the role of researcher as well, starting from the concrete problems and needs of the classroom and drawing on theory to find appropriate answers, through a bottom-up process. In this specific case, the need to deliver an Italian L2 course online became an opportunity to pave a systematic constructivist action-research path, focused on the innovative solutions that technologies can offer to improve the teaching practice and enhance the cooperative and social aspects of language learning.
Published April 28, 2023 | Language: it
Keywords Case study • Language teaching • Digital resources • Socio-constructivist theories • Pandemic effects • Action-research
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