Series | SAIL
Volume 26 | Edited book | La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione

La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione

Scritti in onore di Carmel Mary Coonan
open access
    edited by
  • Paolo E. Balboni - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Fabio Caon - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Marcella Menegale - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email
  • Graziano Serragiotto - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email

The volume collects the contributions of academics from various Italian universities who have worked with Carmel Mary Coonan throughout her career at Ca’ Foscari University. Starting from the themes that have characterised Carmel’s research interests, including Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), professional development for language teachers and action research practice, the volume opens up to original methodological reflections and new lines of research in the field of educational linguistics. The relevance and variety of the studies here described confirm the lively and dynamic character of research and experimentation that shape our discipline. By questioning different language learning environments (both inside and outside language classroom), educational contexts (from kindergarten to university and beyond) and subjects (students as well as teachers), the volume highlights significant gains achieved in the field of language teaching and learning so far. At the same time, however, it makes clear the urge to further boost plurilingualism in language education, a goal that Carmel has tenaciously pursued throughout her whole career.

Keywords Implicit/explicit teachingMentors and MastersApprocci e metodi glottodidatticiDiscourse markers (DM)Academic policyAcademic lifeNeeds analysisProfilo del docente di lingueItalian as a Foreign languageNursery schoolOut-of-schoolCollaborative Professional DevelopmentMultiliteraciesPandemic effectsNorvegeseKnowledge sharingCooperative learningUniversity studentsPlurilingual approachesLanguage educationItalian as a Second languageDefinitionLanguages for specific purposesCimbrian languageLower secondary schoolEmotionsSocial mediation methodologiesGlottotecnologieEnglish Lingua Franca (ELF)L2/LS teachingClassroom-based researchCase studyContent-specific learningMethodologyClassroom interactionsMemoryArgumentative skillsLanguage teacher professional developmentGood practiceNative-speakerismEducazione plurilingueTeacher cognitionMALL (Mobile-assisted language learning)Glottogeragogic modelEducational LinguisticsTeacher trainingEducational linguisticsInput floodCEFRTeachers’ trainingVehicular languageMuseumAcquisitionLanguage teachingAdulti immigratiAction-researchInsegnamento delle lingue minoritarieSocio-constructivist theoriesIntercomprehension (IC)CLIL teacher profileLavoroCLIL classroom discourseForeign language familiarisationAcademic careersPolitica scolasticaApprendimentoObject-basedMinority language teachingAcademic LecturingHigher educationPhonologyPlurilingualismEnglish Medium Instruction (EMI)Specialised terminologyAutobiographyOnline interactionEMI (English Medium Instruction)MotivationSvantaggioLanguage learningMultimodalityCore and non-core subjectsDigital resourcesUpper secondary schoolCLILFL teachingLanguage learning and teachingHorizontal learning

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-683-1 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-684-8 | Number of pages 256 | Published April 28, 2023 | Submitted Jan. 9, 2023 | Language en, it


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