Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale

Rivista | Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale
Fascicolo | 52 | 2018

52 | 2018

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords Complement clauseSubordinate clauseGlocalIndicativeFocalisationSensitivityLeft peripheryAdverbial clauseEnérgeiaSubjunctiveAutobiographyLivesNovelOthernessVerbal morphosyntaxKaddour ben NitramSlovenian literature in ItalyOld High German19th centuryClassical and romanticRelative clauseItalian dialectsSpeakerIdentityThe New New WomanSpecificitySabirPalermitanCorpus studyJorge de LimaThe Beautiful and DamnedVeridicalityLittérature sabirPoetryAffective excitementEvaluativesIllusionary aestheticsEffect of the realKaddourFocus movementLingua francaBeat GenerationMetaphorBodiesJules Barbey d’AurevillyTranslocal studyBordersLiterature as mediumSyntaxThe Song of the LarkMood alternationHagiographyEducationFables & ContesIntertextualityItalyModernismFables & ContesThe Custom of the CountryFocus

Permalink | Pubblicato 28 Settembre 2018 | Lingua de, fr, it, pt, en