
Vol. 51 | Settembre 2017


Lingua: fr, en, it

Pubblicato: 28 Settembre 2017

Copyright: © 2017 This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.


Letteratura, cultura, storia
Effets de modernité
Fulvia Ardenghi   
28 Settembre 2017
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The Duet Between Past and Future in Dana Gioia’s Opera Libretto Nosferatu
Chiara Grilli   
28 Settembre 2017
  • search 214 view
  • file_download 13 download
Risonanze shakespeariane nell’opera di Alda Merini
Cristina Paravano   
28 Settembre 2017
  • search 332 view
  • file_download 24 download
Shakespearean Echoes in Virginia Woolf
Cristiano Ragni   
28 Settembre 2017
  • search 402 view
  • file_download 31 download
I commerci tra Mediterraneo, India, Cina e Giappone dall’antichità alla prima età moderna
Tiziana Iannello   
28 Settembre 2017
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  • file_download 18 download
Explorations in the Cultural History of Light and Illumination
Karen Sayer   
28 Settembre 2017
  • search 623 view
  • file_download 71 download
The Null Subject Parameter and the Residues of V2 as V-to-C
Paola Benincà   
28 Settembre 2017
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  • file_download 22 download
The Use of the ‘Languaging’ Technique in Websites in English
Daniela Cesiri   
28 Settembre 2017
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  • file_download 55 download
German ‘Scrambling’ meets Romance ‘Anaphoric Anteposition’
Federica Cognola   
28 Settembre 2017
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  • search 347 view
  • file_download 25 download
Jacopo Garzonio   
28 Settembre 2017
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Osservazioni da un corpus di dati da Petronio, Aulo Gellio e Gregorio di Tours
Rossella Iovino   
28 Settembre 2017
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A View from Romance
Nicola Munaro   
28 Settembre 2017
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  • search 293 view
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The Case of a Romanian/Italian Sequential Bilingual Child
Francesca Volpato    Giulia Bozzolan   
28 Settembre 2017
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Sandra Quarezemin    Anna Cardinaletti   
28 Settembre 2017
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  • file_download 11 download