The Scuola Dalmata di San Giorgio e Trifone
A Place for the Dalmatian Community in Venice
The largest part of references available until today, on the Scuola dalmata di San Giorgio e Trifone tend to emphasize the role of Venice’ Dalmatian community with respect to the courageous contribution given in the course of the long-time’ conflicts against the Turks. The aim of this paper is to show instead, through the personal stories of the Scuola’s members and chiefs (Guardian grande), how they were able to distinguish themselves in other type of occupations which gained them a relevant position in town, as solid contributors not only to the economic life of Venice, but also to the cultural and spiritual one. Moreover, it will be shown how, at the end of Republic independence, in the conclusion of the XVIII century, their gradual integration as ‘Venetians’ made them suitable for a larger commitment as “trainers of italianity”, even in other regions of Italy ready to unify into a national State.
Keywords: Scuola dalmata di San Giorgio e Trifone • Dalmatia • Venice