Archivio d’Annunzio Rivista di Studi comparati

Rivista | Archivio d’Annunzio
Fascicolo monografico | 8 | 2021
Articolo | Logiche della diffrazione: le soglie testuali del Giovanni Episcopo

Logiche della diffrazione: le soglie testuali del Giovanni Episcopo


The short novel Giovanni Episcopo represents an exception in d’Annunzio’s fictional production. The beginning and the end of this work are particularly relevant for their innovative technique that points out a deep authorial engagement in literary experimentation. Critics discussed the innovative attitude of Giovanni Episcopo and its importance for a complete understanding of d’Annunzio’s production. In this article we are going to discuss this work analysing its textual thresholds to demonstrate its relevance for the authorial searching of new expressive ways.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 24 Febbraio 2021 | Accettato: 20 Maggio 2021 | Pubblicato 21 Ottobre 2021 | Lingua: it

Keywords Textual ThresholdGiovanni EpiscopoSubjectEllipsisNarrativity

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